Hi, I'm Frank. I am currently a Software Engineer at TikTok in New York City, working under the Creator org.
Before that, I was a SDE at Amazon in Cambridge, Massachusetts, where I worked on a platform team dedicated to building tools and systems for engineers and scientists within Alexa AI.
Before that, I interned at AWS in Seattle, Washington. My project integrated an internal monitoring service with Health Dashboards developed by AWS Support.
Before that, I interned at Choco, a B2B startup in Berlin, Germany. I initially researched chatbots based on my experience building Flashcard Study Buddy (mentioned below), but moved on to general software development; in particular, I developed early backend infrastructure for invoicing.
I graduated from the University of Washington in 2020 with a B.S. in Computer Science. At UW, I was also a teaching assistant for CSE 331 (Software Design and Implementation). One personal project I worked on as a student was Flashcard Study Buddy, an app for Google Assistant that used the Quizlet REST API.
Outside of my career, I like, in no particular order: rock climbing, sailing, mixing house and techno, Wes Anderson movies, fountain pens, minimalism, and cooking (especially Spanish and Thai food).
I use a combination of the following when working:
- macOS
- Visual Studio Code, JetBrains IDEs
- zsh, oh-my-zsh, iTerm2, Powerlevel10k
- git, NeoVim, Postman, LaTeX
- Chrome, G Suite, Spotify
- Linode, AWS
email: frankgpoon@gmail.com
linkedin: linkedin.com/in/frankgpoon
github: github.com/frankgpoon